Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, Notre Dame

In the Summer 2019, there will be a four-week long Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, on the occasion of Bernd Ulrich’s 65th birthday. It will be held at the Center for Mathematics of the University of Notre Dame from Tuesday, May 28 until Friday, June 21, 2019. The organizers of the program are Craig Huneke, Sonja Mapes, Juan Migliore, Claudia Polini, and Claudiu Raicu. 
1. Undergraduate school

Tuesday, May 28–Saturday, June 1, 2019

3 courses with afternoon exercise sessions

Adam Boocher (University of Utah)
Sonja Mapes (University of Notre Dame)
Claudiu Raicu (University of Notre Dame).

Teaching assistants:
Kuei-Nuan Lin (Penn State Greater Allegheny)
Youngsu Kim (University of Arkansas).

Homological algebra (Adam Boocher)
Monomial ideals (Sonja Mapes)
Determinantal ideals (Claudiu Raicu).

A panel about applying to graduate school

Colloquium talk:
Juan Migliore

Several social events are planned.


2. MSRI graduate school and Macaulay2 workshop

Monday June 3– Friday June 14, 2019 

4 courses with exercise sessions plus a Macaulay2 workshop

Mark Johnson (University of Arkansas)
Linquan Ma (University of Utah)
Claudia Polini (University of Notre Dame)
Javid Validashti (Cleveland State University).

Teaching Assistants:
Jeffrey Madsen (Purdue University)
Paolo Mantero (University of Arkansas)
Jonathan Montano (University of Kansas)
Lan Nguyen (Vietnam National University)
Wenbo Niu (University of Arkansas)
Thomas Polstra (University of Utah)
Alessio Sammartano (Purdue University)
Ilya Smirnov (University of Michigan)
Yu Xie (Widener University).

Macaulay2 Coordinators:
Dan Grayson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Sonja Mapes (University of Notre Dame)
Claudiu Raicu (University of Notre Dame).
Mike Stillman (Cornell University)

Linkage and residual intersections, taught by Mark Johnson with teaching assistants Paolo
Mantero and Wenbo Niu.
Characteristic p methods and applications, taught by Linquan Ma with teaching assistants
Thomas Polstra and Ilya Smirnov.
Blowup algebras, taught by Claudia Polini with teaching assistants Jeff rey Madsen, Lan
Nguyen, and Alessio Sammartano.
Multiplicity theory, taught by Javid Validashti with teaching assistants Jonathan Montano
and Yu Xie.

A panel about applying for grants and jobs, and about possible career paths 
Colloquium talks
Robin Hartshorne 
Uwe Nagel

Several social events are planned.

3. International conference in honor of Bernd Ulrich

Sunday June 16–Friday June 21, 2019

David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke, Sonja Mapes, Juan Migliore, Claudia Polini, and Claudiu Raicu

4 talks per day (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon)
30 minutes Q&A
each day (only for peridoctoral students)
two poster sessions 

List of speakers:

Lucho Avramov (University of Nebraska)
Giulio Caviglia (Purdue University)
Marc Chardin (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
Aldo Conca (University of Genoa, Italy)
Dale Cutkosky (University of Missouri)
Hailong Dao (University of Kansas)
David Eisenbud (MSRI and University of California, Berkeley)
Hubert Flenner (University of Bochum, Germany)
Louiza Fouli (New Mexico State University)
Juergen Herzog (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Mel Hochster (University of Michigan)
Craig Huneke (University of Virginia)
Srikanth Iyengar (University of Utah)
Steve Kleiman (MIT)
Andy Kustin (University of South Carolina)
Irena Peeva (Cornell University)
Marilina Rossi ((University of Genoa, Italy)
Aron Simis (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
Anurag Singh (University of Utah)
Karen Smith (University of Michigan)
Shunsuke Takagi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Ngo Viet Trung (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Kevin Tucker (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Kei-ichi Watanabe (Nihon University, Japan).

Poster Sessions Coordinator:
Vivek Mukundan

Poster sessions
Each peridoctoral student is given 5 minutes to present his/her work in front of his/her poster, then the participants can go around and ask questions.

Several social events are planned.

Şirince Commutative Algebra Workshop, Turkey

Şirince Commutative Algebra Workshop will feature mini-courses focusing on several aspects of Commutative Algebra. Each mini-course consists of three introductory talks and a research talk: introductory talks will be given from Monday, May 20 to Wednesday, May 22, and the research talks will be delivered on Thursday, May 23. Speakers will have the opportunity of talking about their research by giving some basic background during the first three days of the workshop.

This workshop is addressed to graduate students, postdocs, and interested researchers, in general. If you plan to participate in Şirince Commutative Algebra Workshop, please register on this website by April 23, 2019. The number of participants is going to be at most 40. There is local support (lodging and meals at the Village) for up to 40 graduate students and postdocs. 

Nesin Mathematics Village is an educational and research institute devoted to mathematics, which is located in 800 meters from Şirince Village in Selcuk district of Izmir, Turkey. 

This workshop is partially funded by Department of Mathematics at West Virginia University.

For more infromation, please see the workshop website:

For questions, please contact the Organizers:

The 27th National School on Algebra, Bucharest

The 27th National School on Algebra
Graded modules over polynomial rings with applications to free divisors
Bucharest, May 20-24, 2019
The 27th National School on Algebra will take place between 20-24 May 2019 (with May, 19-arrival day and May 25-departure day) at the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy.
The following main speakers have already confirmed their participation: Laurent Busé (INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis), Alexandru Dimca (Université Côte-d’Azur), Michel Granger (Université d’Angers), Jean Vallès (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour), Marius Vlădoiu (University of Bucharest).
web page:

May 1st Algebra Workshop, Georgia Southern

There will be a one day algebra workshop at Georgia Southern University on May 1st. It will feature four talks; confirmed speakers are:

  • Saeed Nasseh (Georgia Southern)
  • Hernán Giraldo (Universidad de Antioquia)
  • José A. Vélez-Marulanda (Valdosta)
  • Agustin Moreno Cañadas (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

For more information, including (free) registration, please visit the conference website: .

USTARS 2019, Iowa State

USTARS 2019 will be held April 26-28th at Iowa State University. The primary mission of the Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium (USTARS) is to showcase the excellent research conducted by underrepresented students studying topology and algebra. Dedicated to furthering the success of underrepresented students, USTARS seeks to broaden the participation in the mathematical sciences by cultivating research and mentoring networks. USTARS is open to all people interested in the topological and algebraic fields.

For more information, including registration, please visit the conference website:

Morgantown Algebra Days 2019, West Virginia University

There will be a a two-day Commutative Algebra conference which will be held at the West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV during April 13-14, 2019 (Saturday – Sunday). It will feature eight research talks and a poster session for graduate students. The poster session will allow numerous young researchers to present their work to the Commutative Algebra community.
There is a registration form at the meeting website ( Please register by March 14 to secure lodging and travel support. Early registrants and people who have no support will have priority for support. Graduate students can submit poster abstracts during registration to be considered for the poster session on Saturday.
Confirmed Speakers:

  • Eloísa Grifo, University of Michigan, U.S.
  • Craig Huneke, University of Virginia, U.S.
  • Andrew Kustin, University of South California, U.S.
  • Claudia Miller, Syracuse University, U.S.
  • Claudia Polini, University of Notre Dame, U.S.
  • Sean Sather-Wagstaff, Clemson University, U.S.
  • Kazuma Shimomoto, Nihon University, Japan
  • Mark Walker, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.


  • Ela Celikbas (West Virginia University)
  • Olgur Celikbas (West Virginia University)
  • Thomas Polstra (University of Utah)

The conference is sponsored by National Science Foundation and Department of Mathematics at the West Virginia University.
It will start on Saturday, April 13, 2019 and end on Sunday, April 14, 2019.

Graduate Workshop in Commutative Algebra for Women & Mathematicians of Other Minority Genders

There will be a workshop at the University of Minnesota, April 12-14, 2019, focusing on forming a community of women and non-binary researchers interested in commutative algebra by learning about specific topics in commutative algebra from a diverse group of prominent active researchers.

This workshop is organized by Christine Berkesch, Juliette Bruce, and Patricia Klein.

For more information, see the website for the workshop.

KUMUNUjr 2019

The eighth annual KUMUNUjr conference will be on March 30-31, 2019, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Inspired by the success of the KUMUNU commutative algebra conferences (KU, MU, NU) KUMUNUjr brings together graduate students and postdocs studying commutative algebra in the midwest, a term that now stretches from Utah to Michigan and North Dakota to Texas, to share their research and expertise while building lasting collaborations and friendships. The deadline to register is Feb 1st. If you would like more information, please contact one of the organizers.
Confirmed Speakers:

  • Ashwini Bhat
  • Julliette Bruce
  • Sunita Chepuri
  • Ben Drabkin
  • Mohsen Gheibi
  • Jenny Kenkel
  • Robert Laudone
  • Janina Letz
  • Justin Lyle
  • Kyle Maddox
  • Takumi Murayama
  • Nick Ovenhouse
  • Nick Packaukas
  • Robert Walker

Taran Funk
Su Ji Hong
Amadeus Martin
Josh Pollitz
More information and registration can be found on the conference website:

AMS Sectional, Honolulu

There will be a Special Session on Commutative Algebra and its Environs at the Spring Central and Western Joint Sectional Meeting of the AMS at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, March 22-24, 2019 (Friday – Sunday).
The organizers are Ela Celikbas, Olgur Celikbas, and Ryo Takahashi.
update 10 Dec 2018: There is now a web page for the Special Session, which includes a list of speakers.

Interactions Between Commutative Algebra, Representation Theory, And Algebraic Geometry; A Conference In Memoriam Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Münster, Germany

The University of Münster will host “Interactions Between Commutative Algebra, Representation Theory, And Algebraic Geometry, A conference in memoriam Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz” on March 19-23, 2019.  The organizers are Eleonore Faber and Lutz Hille.
The conference will start on Tuesday, March 19, at 9:00, and will be closed on Saturday, March 23 in the afternoon. The lectures take place at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Münster, lecture hall M3.
For more information see the website: