A CIMPA-UNESCO-IRAN School on Grobner Bases and Applications will be held 9-22 July 2005, at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran. The school will present different aspects of computational methods in commutative algebras and algebraic geometry and their applications in various branches of mathematics, to introduce students and young researchers who can apply these methods in their work.
Lecturers will include: B. Buchberger, L. Buse, M. Chardin, A. Conca, G-M. Greuel, L. Robbiano, B. Sturmfels.
For more information, see the conference web page on the CIMPA site, or contact the local organizer, R. Zaare-Nahandi.
update: More information about the school is available at the IASBS web site.