Third Romanian-Turkish Mathematics Colloquium, Constanta Romania

From Viviana Ene:

This is the follow-up meeting of the First Romanian-Turkish Mathematics Colloquium held in Constanta (Romania) in 2015 and of the Second Romanian-Turkish Mathematics Colloquium, held in Istanbul, Turkey.
There will be talks from various fields of mathematics grouped in two parallel sections: pure mathematics (algebra, geometry, algebraic geometry, topology, number theory) and applied mathematics (PDE’s, Analysis, Applied Mathematics).
Date: September 18 – September 22, 2019
Place: Ovidius University of Constanta
Preliminary registration deadline: August 17th, 2019.

AMS Fall Sectional, Madison WI

The Fall Central Sectional Meeting will be held at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison WI, September 14-15, 2019. There will be several Special Sessions of possible interest to commutative algebraists:

See more at

Algebraic Combinatorics in Genova

The meeting “Algebraic Combinatorics in Genova” will take place in Genova, Italy, from the 11th to the 13th of September, 2019.
Invited speakers:

  • Bruno Benedetti (University of Miami)
  • Riccardo Biagioli (Université de Lyon)
  • Francesco Brenti (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
  • Fabrizio Caselli (Università di Bologna)
  • Giulia Codenotti (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Alessio D’Ali (University of Warwick)
  • Emanuele Delucchi (Université de Fribourg)
  • Lukas Katthän (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main)
  • Christian Krattenthaler (Universität Wien)
  • Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke (Universität Osnabrück)
  • Martina Lanini (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
  • Luca Moci (Università di Bologna)
  • Leonardo Patimo (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
  • Volkmar Welker (Philipps-Universität Marburg)

Organizing Committee:

  • Aldo Conca
  • Emanuela De Negri
  • Mario Marietti

More information can be found on the conference website.

Combinatorial Structures in Geometry, Osnabrück

The 2nd Conference on Combinatorial Structures in Geometry will take place from September 2 – 5, 2019 at the University of Osnabrück.
Invited talks:

  • Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University, USA)
  • Aicke Hinrichs (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria)
  • Tobias Müller (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Michael Weiss (University of Münster, Germany)

More information will appear on the conference web site in due time.

Length 3 Resolutions

There will be a Workshop on “The Structure of Length 3 Resolutions”, August 19-23, 2019 at the University of California-San Diego. The topic is structure theorems for finite free resolutions, especially the length 3 case, following recent work of Jerzy Weyman. The goal is to introduce the subject at the graduate student level.
The workshop is organized by Steven Sam (UCSD). The main speakers are Jerzy Weyman (UConn), Lars Christensen (Texas Tech), and Oana Veliche (Northeastern).
There travel and lodging support for students and young researchers. Please use the registration form on the workshop web page if you are interested in attending.

SageMath and Macaulay2 – An Open Source Initiative

From Anton Leykin:

We would like to announce the upcoming workshop: SageMath and Macaulay2 – An Open Source Initiative, to be held at the IMA in Minneapolis on July 22-26, 2019.
This meeting will bring together developers from the Macaulay2 and Sage communities to discuss, design, and implement new algorithms and computational tools that will be of use to scientists and industry professionals. All software developed during the workshop will be made freely available as part of the open-source mathematics software systems Macaulay2 and SageMath. Themes of the workshop include algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, representation theory, combinatorics, and optimization. The workshop will include talks on target features and the logistics of Macaulay2 and Sage development, as well as working groups on a variety of participant-driven themes.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the Program Application available at the top of the page here: Funding preference will be given to graduate students and early career researchers. The deadline to be considered for funding is Friday, May 3.
In your personal statement, please indicate your interest in participating in any of the coding projects listed here ( and/or propose your own project for others to join.

SIMCARA, São Carlos, Brazil

The second edition of the International Meeting in Commutative Algebra and Related Areas (SIMCARA 2019) will be held in São Carlos, Brazil, 22–26 July 2019.  It will be organized by the research group on Commutative Algebra of the Department of Mathematics  of the Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação – Universidade de  São Paulo – Campus de São Carlos, SP-Brazil.
The meeting will celebrate the 150th birthday of Roger Wiegand and Sylvia Wiegand.
The meeting will include minicourses by Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann (Szczecin), Graham Leuschke (Syracuse), and Jan Trlifaj (Prague).
Confirmed plenary talks include:

  • Dale Cutkosky (Missouri, USA)
  • Pedro Garcia-Sanchez (Granada, Spain)
  • Mohsen Gheib (Nebraska and Texas-Arlington, USA)
  • David Jorgensen (Texas-Arlington, USA)
  • Susan Morey (Texas State, USA)
  • Aron Simis (Pernambuco, Brazil)
  • Hema Srinivasan (Missouri, USA)
  • Janet Striuli (Fairfield, USA)

For more information about registration, accommodation, and the program, see the web page for SIMCARA.

Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) in Montréal

From Michel Beaudin:

The 25th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) will be held in Montréal, Canada: .
This event will take place from Tuesday July 16th to Saturday July 20th, 2019 at the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS).
The ACA conference series is devoted to promoting computer algebra applications as well as foster interaction and exchange among developers of computer algebra systems with researchers and users. The latter are mostly scientists, engineers, educators and mathematicians. The topics covered during the conference include, but are not limited to, the use of computer algebra in sciences, engineering, communication, medicine, pure and applied mathematics, education, business and computer science.
The special session ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY FROM AN ALGORITHMIC POINT OF VIEW (organizers: Cristina Bertone and Francesca Cioffi) will surely interest the commutative algebra community

Recent developments in CA, Trento, Italy

The workshop “Recent developments in Commutative Algebra” will be held July 1–5, 2019, in Trento, Italy,
The workshop will feature courses by

  • Linquan Ma (Purdue University)
  • Claudia Polini (University of Notre Dame)
  • Claudiu Raicu (University of Notre Dame)
  • Matteo Varbaro (Università di Genova)
  • Mark Walker (University of Nebraska)

Further information will be posted on the workshop website.

p-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities in Santander

From Julio-José Moyano Fernández:

XX School of Mathematics Lluís Santaló 2019: p-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities

This summer school that will take place at the Peninsula de la Magdalena (Riancho) in Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP), Santander, Spain, on June, 24th-28th 2019.
The school aims to provide an introduction to a very dynamic area of research that lies at the intersection of number theory, p-adic analysis, algebraic geometry and singularity theory. The backbone of the meeting consists of four introductory mini-courses:
1. Introduction to motivic Poincaré series (Sabir M. Gusein-Zade, Russia)
2. Introduction to the singularities of plane curves (Francisco J. Monserrat, Spain)
3. Introduction to local zeta functions (Willem Veys, Belgium)
4. Introduction to p-adic analysis (W. A. Zúñiga-Galindo, Mexico)
To register and/or find more information, please visit our website
The UIMP is offering some complete grants (and also some partial grants) for students at the School.
Best wishes,
The organisers
Carlos Galindo Pastor,
Alejando Melle Hernandez,
Julio-José Moyano Fernández,
Wilson A. Zúñiga Galindo