The 2012 INdAM-day will take place on June 7 at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Genova. It is a one-day event organized by INdAM every year in a different place. The program for this year includes “Commutative algebra and representations of finite groups” by Srikanth Iyengar.
There will also be a short meeting on June 8 and 9 on commutative algebra and related topics, organized by Aldo Conca, Emanuela De Negri, and Giuseppe Valla. The current speaker list is:
- Bruno Benedetti (Stockholm) – All flag Cohen-Macaulay complexes are Hirsch
- Giulio Caviglia (Purdue) – Embeddings of Hilbert functions and upper bounds on Betti numbers
- Marc Chardin (Paris) – Powers of ideals: regularity, Betti numbers and cohomology
- Alexandru Constantinescu (Basel) – On h-vectors of matroids
- Alexander Engström (Helsinki) – TBA
- Gunnar Fløystad (Bergen) – TBA
- Philippe Gimenez (Valladolid) – TBA
- Elisa Gorla (Basel) – Initial ideals and linkage
- Diane Maclagan (Warwick) – TBA
- Srikanth Iyengar (Lincoln) – TBA
- Tim Römer (Osnabrueck) – Criteria for componentwise linearity
- Matteo Varbaro (Genova) – Cohomological dimension of open subsets of the projective space
- Volkmar Welker (Marburg) – Homological properties of powers of ideals
For more information, see the web page for the conference.
Aldo Conca, Emanuela De Negri, Tito Valla.