Pragmatic 2014, Catania

Pragmatic 2014 (First announcement)
Catania, Italy
June 23th – July 11th, 2014
(Arrival date June 22th; departure date July 12th)

  • Prof. Aldo Conca – University of Genova (Italy)
  • Prof. Anurag Singh – University of Utah (USA)
  • Prof. Srikanth Iyengar – University of Nebraska (USA)

Subject: “Local cohomology and syzygies of affine algebras”
The goal of the school is to introduce the participants to some recent developments in the study of local cohomology and syzygies. We will study the local cohomology of polynomial rings with respect to arbitrary ideals and, in particular, how these may be regarded as modules over rings of differential operators. Applications of local cohomology to questions on the minimal number of defining equations of algebraic sets will be described. A second topic will be recent developments concerning the degrees of syzygies of affine algebras and their Koszul homology, with a focus on Koszul algebras, like Veronese subrings of polynomial rings. Strong versions of Koszulness and comparison among them will be discussed as well as some computational issues.
Local committee:

  • Alfio Ragusa
  • Francesco Russo
  • Giuseppe Zappalà

People who wish to be considered either for participation and/or for financial support should fill out the  application form below, which should be sent to one of the following addresses:
The deadline for applications is March 15th, 2014. The Committee of Pragmatic will decide about financial supports and admissions within March 31th, 2014.  Interested people who need more information about Pragmatic can contact any member of the local committee.
The Organization of Pragmatic 2014 will cover the boarding and lodging expenses of the participants which are not supported by their institutions, but not the travel expenses.
Male or Female:
Date of Birth:
Academic qualification (Ph.D., Master,…):
Name of advisor:
Professional Status and Current Position:
E-mail address:
Field of interest:
Can you be supported by your institution?: (Possible answers: totally, partly, no)
If you have a Ph.D, when did you get it and where?
Reasons for wanting to participate in the session:
It is suggested that the applications include both a recommendation letter and a brief Curriculum vitae.

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